1. We have scheduled our Survivor Day event from 9:00 AM - Noon for a number of years. Would you prefer to:* Keep the time as it is Change the time to 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM No preference 2. Would you prefer the discussion time after the video be:* As a large group like we did this year In small groups No preference 3. Is it helpful to have colored stickers on the name tags to identify loss relationships?* Yes No No preference 4. Some years we have included educational sessions on grief or coping activities. This year was mainly open sharing and discussion. What are you most interested in for this event? (Choose one)* Discussion and sharing with others Educational presentations or activities related to coping with grief (Ex: stress management/relaxation strategies, journaling, creative memorials) Offer both 5. Please share any additional comments or suggestions you have regarding this event.Your Name (optional): Δ
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