Grandmother Makes Special Memories with Great‑Grandchildren

At 87 years old, Jean Anderson is not letting congestive heart failure or stage IV kidney disease keep her from living life to the fullest. “My hobbies are my great-grandchildren,” smiled Jean. She has four great-grandchildren (and one on the way), two of whom live two minutes away. “I go to my great-grandsons’ football, basketball, and baseball games,” shared Jean. “That is the highlight of my life.”

Jean also has a great-granddaughter, Harper, who is four years old. According to Jean, Harper is a busy bee. “She comes to my house and entertains me,” laughed Jean. “She loves to get in my jewelry box and play dress-up.” Jean expressed she enjoys her family and loves it when they visit or call. “We do not know what we would do without FaceTime,” laughed Denise Goody, Jean’s daughter and caregiver.

When Jean is not spending time with her great-grandchildren, she is watching the Hallmark Channel with Denise, filling out crossword puzzles, reading, rocking in her rocking chair, playing with her dog, Chance, or cheering on the Philadelphia Phillies. “It is the little things,” commented Denise.

The Benefits of Palliative Care

Mother and daughter first learned about the Choices Palliative & Supportive Care at Home program through Jean’s cardiologist, Dr. Roberts, with The Heart Group. “Mom loves her doctors, but it is nice that we can have someone come to the home through the Choices program,” mentioned Denise. Denise shared that when her mother does not have to go out to an appointment, it gives her more energy during the day. Denise is a home care nurse; she was familiar with palliative care before meeting with Dr. Roberts.

Jean shared that it is because of the Choices Palliative & Supportive Care at Home program that she goes to her great-grandsons’ sporting events. “I would probably sit here at home like a bump on a log if I did not have the encouragement from the Choices team,” shared Jean. “They tell me that I can do it.” “Mom suffers from anxiety, and Krista, a Nurse Practitioner for the Choices program, felt that putting my mom on an antidepressant would help her, and it has helped immensely,” explained Denise. “Before the antidepressant, my mom would wake up every morning at 3:00 in a panic and call me. Krista encourages my mother to take her antidepressant, explaining to her that it is okay to take it. It is incredible to have these resources at our fingertips.”

“Hospice & Community Care is a great organization,” commented Denise. “We had hospice care with my father, but only for about a month.” Jean’s husband received hospice care from May to June 2021. “When people hear about hospice, they think it is the end; they fear it,” commented Denise. “The Choices program is preparing us for when Mom is ready and could benefit from hospice care. The transition will be seamless.”

Team Approach to Care

“What I like about the Choices program is that I can call and speak to someone immediately,” expressed Denise. “My mom is fortunate that her specialists would respond immediately, but most of the time, they wanted to see her in the office. The Choices program allows any issues to be addressed over the phone first before needing an in-home visit.”

A bereavement counselor from the Pathways Center for Grief & Loss met with Jean when she first started receiving palliative care. “She was great to sit and talk with,” explained Jean. “She was the sweetest,” shared Denise. “She let Mom talk about everything and just listened. They spoke for over an hour.” Denise also shared that Jean enjoys talking to Rose, a Hospice chaplain.

“Choices Palliative & Supportive Care at Home is helping Mom make special memories with our family,” expressed Denise. “The Choices program is helping to improve Mom’s quality of life and helping her live life to its fullest at all stages of her illness.”

If you or someone you know could benefit from the Choices Palliative & Supportive Care at Home program, please call us at (877) 898-0685 or visit