Newly Bereaved Series Evaluation Please provide your honest and candid feedback about the helpfulness of this series as we use it to improve the group for future participants. 1. What was your loved one's date of death?* MM slash DD slash YYYY 2. The program addressed my questions and concerns about my grief.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please comment:*3. I am more aware of some strategies to cope with grief.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please comment:*4. I have a better understanding of what is common in the grief process.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please explain:*5. The group had the right combination of teaching and discussion.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please explain:*6. I felt welcomed and heard by others in the group.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please explain:*7. The group leader was skilled in facilitating discussion.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Comments*8. The input from the volunteer co-facilitator(s) was helpful.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Comments*9. What was most helpful about the series?10. How could this series be improved (i.e. inclusion of other topics, group size, etc.)?11. Select which group you attended. In-person, afternoon In-person, evening Virtually via Zoom Your Name (optional): Δ
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