Commemorative Events

Path of Remembrance
Stone pavers may be purchased in honor or in memory of loved ones to be placed along the Path of Remembrance at The E.E. Manny Murry Center in Mount Joy.
Click here for more information
Remembering Our Mothers
Every year on the Saturday before Mother’s Day, women whose mothers have died gather to remember and to celebrate their mothers at a special Remembering Our Mothers Breakfast.
Click here for more information
International Overdose Awareness Day
Always held on August 31, the Pathways Center for Grief & Loss offers a commemorative event each year. We bring people together to reduce the stigma and provide a day of healing for this type of loss.
International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day
Observed the Saturday before Thanksgiving each year, the Pathways Center for Grief & Loss offers a event to support those who lost a loved one to suicide.
Light Up A Life
The annual Light Up A Life Tree Lighting Ceremony is held in Lancaster and York in early December. Lights may be purchased in memory or in honor of loved ones.
Pathways Center for Grief & Loss
4075 Old Harrisburg Pike, Mount Joy, PA 17552
(717) 391-2413 or (888) 282-2177
En español: (717) 391-2440
Keep in touch.