Name of group/organization:*Date service was provided: MM slash DD slash YYYY 1. The counselor was clear and easy to understand.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please comment:*2. Audio-visuals/handouts, if used, were helpful.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please comment:*3. Group attendees will be able to use the ideas and suggestions presented.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please explain:*4. Expectations/goals for this session were met.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please explain:*5. What was most helpful about this session?6. How could this session be improved? (i.e. inclusion of other topics, group size, etc.)7. Comments/suggestions:Your name (optional) Δ
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